Call for Proposals:
Companion Meetings & Symposia

Companion meetings and symposia will be held from Friday, October 9 to Tuesday, October 13, 2026 alongside the XXXVI International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology (IAP2026). We are publicly soliciting plans for these companion meetings and symposia, and look forward to receiving your application. The application guidelines are provided below; please note that the secretariat reserves the right to accept or reject plans.
* A notice of acceptance will be sent by e-mail around May to June, 2025
Application Deadline
JST Noon (UTC 3:00AM) on Wednesday, April 30, 2025
Application guidelines
✿  Date and time (planned) in 2026
•  Companion meetings
  In the morning or afternoon on Friday, October 9
•  Symposia
  In the morning or afternoon of Saturday, October 10
  In the morning or afternoon of Sunday, October 11
  In the afternoon of Monday, October 12
  In the morning of Tuesday, October 13
* A two-hour slot will be available for both a companion meeting and a symposium.
✿  Selection of content and speakers
  The person in charge is authorized to determine the content, number of speakers, etc. for a companion meeting or symposium. All the speakers, whether they are IAP members or non-members, are required to register to participate. If your plan is accepted, we will contact you to ask the details, such as the chair, speakers, and titles.
✿  Application
Apply using the application form below by Wednesday, April 30, 2025. Items with red numbers are mandatory. Only English may be used.
Apply Now
The following information is required when applying.
1 Application type Companion meeting or Symposium
2 Group/Organization  
3 Session title  
4 Contact person (Person in charge)  
E-mail Provide contact person’s e-mail
5 Additional persons in charge names and e-mails, if any If there are two or more persons in charge (other than the contact person), please provide their names and contact emails here.
6 Proposal Details Describe the content in about 200 to 400 words.
7 Number of Expected Participants We will use the number to help select a venue.
8 Planned speakers Indicate speakers if known at the time of applying.
Contact information
IAP2026 Congress Secretariat